Little Spikey Land - books

Computers Stole My Social Skills

Thursday, November 27, 2003

books drawing

Same Difference

Just read a really nice web comic yesterday called Same Difference. The art is really good and in particular some of the expressions are so good. My favourite expression is of Nancy trying to persuade Simon to go to Pacifica (The 2nd panel has the best hand waving eyes upturned gesture ever).

Anyway, it's just a nice warm fuzzy story to read. I might even buy the book version at some point.

posted at 11:40 PM John

Monday, October 20, 2003



Well I ordered a course book recently (on Quantum Computation), so I thought I'd get something for myself too. I ordered Maus which I had wanted to read for quite some time. It is often cited as being the book which created the idea of graphic novels (as opposed to just "comic books"), because of it's serious subject matter.

Slightly spookily I ordered Maus on thursday last week and then in this weekends Guardian there was an article about it.

posted at 9:16 PM John

Monday, August 25, 2003

books java programming

Java Books

It's been a while since I bought any Java books and now I've just gone and got two. I guess it's because I'm heading off to Uni again and want to brush up on a few things.

The first book was JDK 1.4 Tutorial, which covers the new features of java 1.4. It makes trying to grok the new APIs a lot easier.

The second is Java Extreme Programming Cookbook which I have wanted for some time. This one is going to be very useful as it covers things like Ant and JUnit. I've already set up an Ant build file for JPL and I shall soon be writing some unit tests, which will help ensure my code is much more robust.

Edited on: Monday, August 25, 2003 5:29 PM
posted at 5:07 PM John


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